Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Where are your Kingdom Keys?

I have read several things about Spiritual Keys over the last year or so and thought I understood the concept in my mind, but today God showed me clearly in my Spirit the importance of keys in the natural and spiritually.

I moved into my husband’s house in 2005, a house that is over 30 years old and a house that I am not the first woman to call home. I moved in a lot of my own stuff and combined his and mine and tried to make it ours. I have done some redecorating as money has allowed and I have bought a few things for our home. I have done the best I could with what we have… but the house is still pretty much as I found it almost 4 years ago. I have learned to live with other people’s idea of decorating and I have learned to accept those things we cannot change at the moment. Over the years locks have changed and keys were lost or misplaced and until today I only had a key to the door by our carport. It just didn’t seem important to locate the keys or replace locks on the other doors, until a few weeks ago when the lock on the only door I did have a key to messed up and I could not get into my own house. Sometimes I could get in and other times I could not, sometimes I had to stand in the dark and jiggle the key until I hit just the right spot and the door unlocked. I started wishing I had taken the time to find the lost keys or that I had replaced the locks so I had keys to all of the doors in my house. We finally replaced the lock on the carport door the other day… but I went on a hunt to find the rest of the keys just in case! I finally found the last key today and I bragged to my husband that after 3 1/ 2 years of marriage I finally had all the keys to his house and that meant I finally had some authority around here! We laughed and I went to find my key ring to place the additional keys with the one key I do have. While I was sitting in the floor of my home office putting the keys on the my key ring I heard very clearly in my spirit these words…

“Anything spiritually that was here before you came to this house or was brought in by a past resident no longer has the right to remain here. Anything that tries to gain entrance to your home in the future does not have the legal right to stay and you can remove it or block it from coming into your home. You finally have the authority in the spirit to remove any and all things that would harm your family and your home, that until now you did not possess because you were never willing to claim it.“

Talk about an AH HA moment! It hit me that until this very moment I had still been looking at this house as my husbands… because I could not make it look in the natural the way I wanted and I could not remove the physical traces of the past women who lived here. Some where in my mind and spirit I never took possession of what became mine when my husband gave me his name. Truthfully, I have not maintained and updated this house with what I do have available to me in the way I should because I have never felt in my heart it was / is my home. My fondest wish is to gut the inside of this house and start from scratch and do it to suit my taste… but alas money has not as yet allowed that. So somewhere along the way I sat down because with my natural eye I could not see how this house can someday be when we do have the means to change it and make it what I want it to be! When I sat down in the natural I also sat down in the spiritual and never picked up my natural or spiritual keys that I needed to help keep my family protected… how sad and how dangerous!

We as believers often fail to realize or locate the keys we are entitled to as children of God because in the natural we cannot “see” what we are entitled to and what HE has for us down the road so we sit down and allow the enemy to lie to us and steal from us our rightful inheritance. We never find and use all the spiritual keys that GOD has for us to use for the Kingdom and in our lives… keys that open up the blessings of heaven, keys that give us the strength and authority to remove unwanted spiritual predators from our home and community. Keys that can lock up those things that need to be bound and keys to unlock those things which need to be loosed so that we can be effective in our Kingdom work we have been assigned to. We often fail to seek the things of the Kingdom first because we could not or will not get past what our carnal natural mind sees or in many cases want. We haven’t yet learned to just look until we find all the keys that are ours to possess! We need to understand that when we do press in and find these keys… with these keys, with these weapons we will be able to be effective watchman for the Kingdom, our communities and our families! Do you know where your keys are? Are you even looking for them?

Clutter, Chaos and Hopelessness

Clutter, chaos and hopelessness cause many to come to a standstill… me it causes me to come to a standstill. For the last several months my...