Sunday, July 15, 2012

Then and Now

9 months ago I started blogging about the loss of my husband... and I started out thinking it would help me to work thru the pain of my loss... but somewhere along the way I stopped blogging because I stopped feeling, because I stopped believing, I simply just stopped living.  I truly believed I would never feel anything good again.  My pain overwhelmed me and it felt as if it had swallowed me whole. I could not see past the loss of my darling Bobby, the loss of my home and the life I thought would have. My dreams of the future died the day he died and for a season I felt as dead as he was.  I thought I was going to walk out my widowhood with strength and dignity .. . that in the mist of my pain I would gain some profound revelation that would make a difference and make me feel as if it something good had come from my lose.. but that did not manifest as I sank deeper and deeper into the hole of depression and fear.   But along the way God held me safe in His hands til I was strong enough to feel again to believe again to hope again. 9 months later I can say something did come out of the suffering and loss. In the process of having most of my life and most of what I believed  stripped away.... I found the very thing I needed to keep going.... I found me as God saw me.  In the mist of it all God allowed me time to wade through the false beliefs I had about HIM and myself. I was shifted as sand and found wanting yet HE gave me grace and those things that were not of HIM were removed.  I  found the peace I so desperately needed to move forward.  I found that while my relationship with HIM was not the greatest in the beginning of this process HE continued to woo me to HIM!  I now have a deeper walk with my Savior than I ever thought was possible... I am HIS beloved and HE is mine. I understand love in a way I never understood before.  Thru a series of events, the right people have been placed into my life at each junction that have helped me walk out my healing.  I am surrounded by friends who love me just as I am, who encourage and support my new life and are excited with me and for me about my future.  The greatest gift I received from God was this revelation.... My darling is more alive than he has ever been, he is happier and healthier than he ever was on this earth. I can honor him most by living each day here on earth to its fullest and knowing that he is in that great cloud cheering me on! 

Clutter, Chaos and Hopelessness

Clutter, chaos and hopelessness cause many to come to a standstill… me it causes me to come to a standstill. For the last several months my...