Jesus is my FIRST love (hence the reason you are reading about my spiritual travels here) followed closely by my husband, my kids and grands!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
A Picture of my life...
If you could take a picture of things that represent your life what would it look like... here is mine.
Each item in this picture represents the important things in my life... they speak of me without a word being spoken... they represent my past, my now and my future, my hopes and my legacy....
The shofar is a symbol of my desire to see a sound released over NE Arkansas, West TN and SE MO that will break the bondage's that have entrapped the people and the land of this region...I had the privilege of driving from 2008 to 2010 each month through these areas. God sent some wonderful people to speak into my life in July 2008 at the same time He provided me a job that payed me to drive from Ripley TN to Blytheville, AR (my home town)... I got paid to do a prayer drive each month... NOW THAT WAS A GOD THING! I wandered all over the bootheel of Missouri, NE Arkansas and what I call the Hwy 51 area of West TN and even out a little farther... it was one of the most amazing times in my life. I thought when the job ended my assignment had ended. I was wrong, God had simply put me on an extended leave as I dealt with the illness and the going home of my husband. Recently HE has reignited the fire in my heart to see this region become all that it is meant to be... SOUND THE ALARM...AWAKEN THE WATCHMEN!!!!
The Scarves are prophetically dyed scarves from dyed4you and often are with me when I take my shofar to a service or on a prayer assignment. The first scarf is called Redeemed (on the right in the picture), it was literally purchased without me releasing any information to dyed4you about me. Allowing them to design what they felt the Lord said to them ... and this what they came up with: the colors & what they represent - Fuchsia - passion, Storm - cleansing, Cranberry - worth the ultimate price, Burgundy - bought with a price! I am passionate about what moves my heart, I am an all or nothing kind of girl... If I am in I am all in, if I love, I love with all of me... the rest is related to my testimony! You can go here to listen to my testimony and you will understand how well Meghan and her team hear from God. I received Redeemed just a few weeks before my husband was diagnosed with lung cancer. It represents who I am in the eyes of God and was something tangible for me to hold onto during the hardest days of my life. The second scarf, is called Comfort, colors & what they represent - Purple - The Promises of God, Dusty Rose - Peace: the Father's care over His children, White - Purity. I ordered this specific scarf the day they sent my husband home from the hospital with hospice and told us he had only a few weeks at best to live (he died 2 weeks to the day we left the hospital). I ordered it to wear at his funeral, it arrived 10 days after the funeral... it represents God's complete attention to every detail of my life... HE wanted me to always see this scarf as a representation of His love for me and that HE was and will always be my Comforter, and not as a reminder of a funeral... each breath I take is monitored by HIM.
The oil is from Abba Anointing Oil it is called Cassia, - In the spiritual sense, cassia speaks of humility, being stripped of pride, set apart (holy) with a servant's heart. It represents the process I have been through in the last 17 months of my life. I have been stripped of everything I thought I could not live without... my husband, my home, my hopes and dreams, my pride.... I was crushed and broken, yet HE has healed me and made me whole... now HE is pouring the anointing into me that HE can use for HIS purpose. It is an ongoing process.... I humbly submit daily to His love and adjustments of me.
The small picture on the left just behind the shofar is of the four most beautiful people in the world to me, my children Elliott, Jennifer, Michael and Jessica, they represent the best of who I am. Each one is very unique and wonderfully made. They have been thru a lot with me in the days of my craziness but God gave me the chance to redeem my relationship with each of them. He also gave me a promise regarding them, in the upper left hand corner of the picture is the word sanctuary... one of the meaning of the word is: A sacred and inviolable asylum; a place of refuge and protection; shelter; refuge; protection.
The ladybug pin in front of the shofar and the ultrasound picture on the right represent the 2nd generation of my legacy.... My Granddaughters, Lilly Grace (called Lilly Bug) and Sydney Lynn who was my firstborn grandbaby! My goal is to live each day of my life as well as I can so that they and all my grandbabies yet to come will bear the fruit of what God is doing in my life long after I am gone... They are my blessings on legs, the bright stars in my dark nights and gifts beyond compare. They are the reason on the days I get it all wrong, that I get back up and try harder the next day!
The last thing in this picture represents my future... The painting is by a dear sweet girl by the name of Jeanne Nelson. I fell in love with this cabin in the woods a few years ago, but it is only recently I understood why. It represents my future place of sanctuary, my dream home in my old age, a place of peace and of fulfillment. It speaks to my hope that one day I will again have a place to call home a place where someone will hold me tight when I need to cry, will be there to hold my hand in my old age and love me as Christ loves me. It is hidden away from the world and yet appears to me to be the safest place on earth, a place I will be happy and safe til I take my last breath and finally see my Jesus...
So that is what the picture of my life means to me... what does yours say about you? I pray if you don't have a picture of your life in your mind, you seek the one who can help you find it... Jesus.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Where did you lose your KEYS?
This morning as I was walking I came
up with the brilliant plan to stick my car key under my arm band that was
holding my phone, thinking if my keys fell I would feel them or hear
them. LOL... you know how that worked, right! As I finished my second
mile I realized I had lost them. I was dumbfounded for a minute then I
was a little panic stricken, then I realized where they probably fell... on that
little hill I like to jog up. The problem is the little hill was at least 2/3
of a mile away which meant I had to walk ALL the way around to that place to see if
in fact they were there. I of course looked on my way there and I kept
saying God where are those keys... my spirit answered, you know exactly where
they are. I was a little frustrated I could not just snap my fingers and
be there, but I figured since I had to re-walk the path I might as well
use it usefully, so I started praying....
God started whispering, Nora
sometimes you get so caught up in the moment or things around you , that you don’t realize you have dropped your
keys... you are wide open and it is only when you get to a place of needing
those keys do you realize that you are trying to operate without a very
important thing... Just like you have been operating the last few weeks without
Me. Just like you have to walk around this path again to find the exact
place you lost the keys, I had to walk you around the path to the place of
where you dropped Me off. I need you to understand where you dropped ME
off & why you dropped ME off.
We like to holler OH God where are
You, OH GOD why did YOU leave me when things get tough or the enemy is in
our face laughing at us as we are stumbling the path blindly. But the
truth is we are the ones who leave HIM on the side of the path when it isn't
convenient having Holy Spirit in our ear going... no that is not a wise
choice. We may not even notice the first lap or two, then there comes
a moment when you realize you are not hearing HIM as you have, you are not at
peace about anything and every little wind that blows scares you. You
can’t see people the way HE sees them, you view them thru your mistrust or
need, you question their motives, your motives and you have no way of seeing
the truth, because chaos is the enemies best friend. We will realize
where we let go of HIS hand and then in our selfishness we ask GOD to just
transport us to that moment and just start from there, but alas there is
a process. That process is meant to teach us something so that maybe we won’t
take one more lap without HIM. I experienced that in the last few
Two things I learned through this, I still feel the need for others approval and I see myself as
alone and in need... OUCH! Correction is
a hard thing, and it hurts, but the peace that comes with it is so past any
words I can put to paper... here is the truth HE gave me.... I am accepted in
the Beloved even when I miss it, I am chased daily with a love that surpasses all understanding,
I am not alone, I never have been... My DADDY GOD has been there thru it
all! I am a blessed daughter of the MOST HIGH GOD! Thank YOU FATHER
GOD for YOUR forgiveness, grace and love!!!!
My beloved spoke and said to me,
"Arise, my darling,
my beautiful one, come with me. See!
The winter is past;
the rains are over and gone. Flowers
appear on the earth;
the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves
is heard in our land. The fig tree
forms its early fruit;
the blossoming vines spread their
Arise, come, my darling;
my beautiful one, come with
me." (Song of Solomon 2:10-13 NIV)
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
Lesson's I learned from my husband
Lesson’s I learned from my husband
I was listening to the song the other day Bless the Broken
Road by Rascal Flatts. It was our wedding song when my deceased husband and I
were married almost 7 years ago. I was
worried it would cause a flood of tears and pain, it did not. It did cause a
flood of happy memories, wishful dreams that did not come true and
understanding that sometimes we can’t always see the bigger picture. As I was walking and listening, I kept hitting
repeat trying to figure out what I was feeling and hearing in my heart and
spirit. I realized that my husband who was a part of the broken road I am still
on and while he was on the road with me he taught me some very important lessons
in 6 ½ year. Lessons that will serve me well for the rest of my life and I want
to share a few of those lessons here, for your amusement or maybe as a way of
showing that even in lose there is good that can be found.
hardhead makes for soft a** (translation: butt) - My husband was wont to say I was a bit stubborn and I was a
woman who loved to get her way. I am not
stubborn more like one track minded. I get a thought in my head on how it
should go or be done and I sometimes can’t see another’s point of view. My husband was the child of a farmer and
farmed some himself as an adult, he knew about farming and he knew about
land. But when we (meaning me) decided
to start an heirloom vegetable business I studied the organic ways of handling
the land and basic farming methods and techniques. When I excitedly shared my new knowledge of
farming and the way we were going to do it, my husband was amused to put it
nicely. But I was going to have my way
in this so I talked and talked and he finally gave in to hush me up! So we set out on our grand adventure… We
tilled up the land to my specifications… him alternating between huffing and
laughing. We planted EVERYTHING by hand and I decided on spacing, row size etc. The first year was our experimenting year
which is why I am sure there wasn’t more back lash to my new farming methods. So here we go, first thing that took me by
surprise was rain, as in too much of it early on and not nearly enough later in
the growing season. Everything we
planted in the flat I so demanded we plant at was either washed away or moved
over til our rows looked like coiled snakes.
The year we decided to do this was the first of 2 years of major rainfall and
flooding in the spring. So we ended up
having to replant about 50% of our vegetables.
Then for the rest of the year there was almost no rain at all. I had vegetables spread all over with no way
to water them and that caused way more work than it should have been. Then my
spacing lead to vegetables to close or to spread out which made it hard to get
a tiller down between rows and that meant weeding was a nightmare. My husband
did his best to explain to me farming was a lot like gambling sometimes you
win, sometimes you don’t. Gambling is something that makes me sick to my
stomach after the first $20.00 is spent so when some of my gambling did not pay
off, I realized I should have listened more and read less. After the first year I learned a few things…
he was way smarter than I gave him credit for, he had the patience of Job and
he should have put his foot down with me and made me see the sense of his way
of farming. I am not a woman who would
buck his final word, but a few days of me pouting was not something he handled
well… I was a wee bit spoiled, so I got away with more than I should have. LOL
Real men can
say no and still love their wives as Christ loved the Church – As I stated
earlier my husband often let me get away with more than I should have, but
there were times in our lives when he did not back down. He made decision based on a few simple principles:
Was it going to cause me harm. Was it
going to cause harm to our marriage. Did
the benefit out way the cost. Please notice the order of those principles that
was his order not mine, I and our marriage came first with him ALWAYS. In the entire time we were married we only had
one true fight and it was very early in our marriage. It was not a pretty thing
and I will not expose him or myself with the details, but the bottom line was
this, I was spending more time taking care of everyone and everything else I
was involved in than I was investing time in our relationship the way that I should.
I of course was explaining how important everything I was doing was, after all
75% of what I was doing involved church.
But he was not going to let this one alone and I finally saw his way,
well not really at first but I gave cause I cannot abide strife. He however was right and I stopped being on
call 24/7 and I made a promise that he got at least one day a week of my
undivided time Most weeks he got more
time and others we worked together on my project of the week. It taught me balance and it taught me to
include him in anything he was willing to be a part of and to let him sit out
anything he did not want to be a part of. He taught me to respect his and
others choices. He taught me that real
love was not only protecting me from the big bad world but it was also
protecting me from myself.
in the back of a boat will not get you any closer to the bank but it will get
you a trolling motor of your own. - Now fishing and camping was our favorite thing
to do. We loved to be in a boat all day,
getting all sunburned and smelling like fish or just bait, depending on how the
fishing went. I am a crappie fishing
bank hugging fool; he on the other hand alternated between
sitting 3 inches off the bank brimm fishing or 10 foot off a bank just
trolling. Made me insane… I never knew
if I was going to be in a tree unable to jig or so far out I could not get the
line out…. I fussed & fussed, I whined… so one day I come home to find he
has tied (think Jethro Bodine) a trolling motor to the back of the boat just
for me. First trip out I was excited, I finally had
some control over the boat… every true southern woman’s dream! My excitement didn’t last long, it was work and
it was frustrating. About the time I got
the boat where I wanted the wind would blow it out of position or he would
shift and I spent more time wrestling with that stupid trolling motor than I
did fishing. I quickly realized that I
had made him feel that nothing he did was right and I was stealing the pleasure
he took in fishing with me. Needless to say, I was a little ashamed of
myself. I learned that if you want to be
part of the solution to a problem that there will be work involved and whining
is never the answer to a problem. He taught me to look at problems from another
point of view (see the theme here LOL). He never took the trolling motor off the boat,
it was there when my stepson bought the boat from me after his death. I think he realized I needed the constant
reminder of it and truthfully he simply enjoyed teaching me this lesson, we
laughed often about that Bodined’ trolling motor.
On a daily basis I have opportunity
to use and remember these lessons so loving taught me by my husband. These are things that I will carry with me for
the rest of my life, not as sorrowful burdens, but as valuable tools and
evidence of his great love for me. That
love so much like Christ’s love for us. When God has to teach us a lesson or allow us
to face the consequences of our actions, it is always covered in love and in
the end meant for our good. I lost my husband, my home and my entire way of
life… yet I am still here and I still have a purpose and there is still a plan
for my life. Good will come from what was meant to crush us if we will hold on
and believe.
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