And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Gen 3:15 KJV
And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel." Gen 3:15 NASU
From now on, you and the woman will be enemies, and your offspring and her offspring will be enemies. He will crush your head, and you will strike his heel." Gen 3:15 NLT
Let me confess… I am not a regular reader of the Old Testament as a whole. I love to read in the Books of Prophecy and this and that of the History Books…but I tend to stay away from the rest of it. However I am currently taking a Survey of The Old Testament class… so of course I got to read it and this is the key verse for Chapter 5 of this course. As I am reading I like most people understand this verse as (depending on your perspective / understanding) either a fulfilled prophecy of Jesus or the verse we refer to as the “why” there will always be strife between us and the enemy or both. But on the second reading of this verse this morning it hits me. The enemy has seed… the enemy has seed… THE ENEMY HAS SEED! I am going to stretch a few of you here… I am stretching myself at the moment to be honest so bear with me for a second! I am of the camp of “the devil can not create anything” he only mimics and perverts what GOD has done, and I still believe that for the most part… but if the enemy, the devil has seed then that means he can plant and produce a crop, can plant a seed and produce offspring. So what immediately came to my mind is whose seed are we pregnant with and what is it producing? I have heard and firmly believe that many of us are pregnant in the body and GOD is getting ready to birth a great awakening in this land, so there are many running to and fro hollering this is what GOD is birthing / has birthed in ME… my question is what is your pregnancy looking like and for those who have already birthed who does your offspring look like! Is your impending seed causing strife or unrest in you? Is it peace you feel or fear as the time draws near? Are people who you used to trust suddenly concerned or are they helping you prepare for the blessed event? To those new “parents” did your spiritual off spring cause rejoicing in your spiritual family or did it cause a split and bitterness. Did you have to rebel against your current or former spiritual authority to give birth or did they bless your new offspring? Now don’t misunderstand there are some in the body who will never bless or accept something new or different even when it is of GOD. But you may want to check yourself if your upcoming or newest spiritual seed / offspring is legit if you are met with continual distrust or no confirmation from people who in the past you trusted, but all of sudden in your eyes woke up stupid one day. When your current or impending offspring is causing confusion, distrust or chaos… I think you may want to check the source of your seed. Another way of looking at it is, as an amateur gardener I am learning from my husband that all seed is not created equal and you need to buy your seed from a trusted source to produce a good crop!
So the question I am now asking myself is can the enemy reproduce or is his simply cloning and perverting what GOD has done or will do…hmmm? While writing this my mind took a quick day trip and this is what I heard…we are horrified at the thought of human sacrifice that was practiced long ago in our land and I believe secretly even today but this land is also tainted and cursed because the of millions of children that are legally aborted each year in this country. Our country is awash in the blood of the innocent, we have traded our seed for his…so what kind of seed has the enemy grown in the place of all we have destroyed. What illegitimate things has been produced because we are unwilling to stop the sacrifice of our children on the alter of satan, when do we start aborting the enemy and his seed and remove the curse off our land.
What do you hear in your spirit about any illegitimate seed or offspring in your life you need get rid of?
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