Sunday, March 29, 2020

Get Your Boots On Time to Crossover!!

Then Joshua said to the sons of Israel, “Come here, and hear the words of the Lord your God.” 10 Joshua said, “By this you shall know that the living God is among you, and that He will assuredly dispossess from before you the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Hivite, the Perizzite, the Girgashite, the Amorite, and the Jebusite. 11 Behold, the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth is crossing over ahead of you into the Jordan. 12 Now then, take for yourselves twelve men from the tribes of Israel, one man for each tribe. 13 It shall come about when the soles of the feet of the priests who carry the ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the earth, rest in the waters of the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan will be cut off, and the waters which are flowing down from above will stand in one heap.” 14 So when the people set out from their tents to cross the Jordan with the priests carrying the ark of the covenant before the people, 15 and when those who carried the ark came into the Jordan, and the feet of the priests carrying the ark were dipped in the edge of the water (for the Jordan overflows all its banks all the days of harvest), 16 the waters which were flowing down from above stood and rose up in one heap, a great distance away at Adam, the city that is beside Zarethan; and those which were flowing down toward the sea of the Arabah, the Salt Sea, were completely cut off. So the people crossed opposite Jericho. 17 And the priests who carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord stood firm on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan while all Israel crossed on dry ground, until all the nation had finished crossing the Jordan.  Joshua 3:9-17

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;  1 Peter 2:9

First and foremost there is a promise to us from GOD that HE would deal with all the “ites” for us… and that includes “Covid-19 ite” we just need to walk in that promise and stop this panic of unbelief!!! We as Believers should be on the front line… in the parking lots of hospitals praying with family who can’t enter the building to be with their loved ones. Making sure ALL elderly and others in our community who we are aware of have the basic necessities; checking on those whom we know suffer from depression or anxiety and may need that extra 10 minutes of our time and wherever else we may be needed. We are the Priest of our time and we need to start acting like it! They were first into the flooded river… they held their ground the middle of that river (the GAP) until the ENTIRE nation… the ENTIRE nation of Israel crossed over! Do you really understand how many people that had have been? They had been wandering around in the desert for 40 years… how many do you think they added to the numbers? AND THEN and only once everyone else was on the other side did they, still carrying Ark of the Covenant come up behind them into the Promise Land. And as always, the people were covered all round by the presence of GOD. We now carry that PRESENCE in us as believers so whenever we STEP into a situation, we bring HIM with us… think on that for a minute.  We the so-called believers/intercessors of this generation need to be praying and praying without ceasing until we are on the other side of this.  We also need to shut up any prayers that start with judgement.... God did not have Joshua appoint morality police who screened who would get across the Jordan and who would not… GOD dealt with the last generation of Israelites harshly but this generation was allowed AS A WHOLE to come into the promise land… warts and all!!! We need to shut our mouths, set our agendas aside and simply get on our knees and seek God’s face until this thing is gone. We also need to show love and be known by the TRUE fruit the REAL SPIRIT of GOD will produce. WE… THE CHURCH needs to strap on our work boots and get about the business of our FATHER!!

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