Monday, November 01, 2010


I have had something churning in my heart for a long time… and after recently spending the day with someone (a special thanks to that someone, getting whole looks good on you!) in process…I am ready to just let it out!

I had someone say to me three years ago… Just Do It! I pray I have the courage to be so bold cause…I have a burning passion deep in my heart to see the walking wounded in the body of Christ whole and walking out the call on their lives… I see the ones who bleed because of long unhealed wounds, offense and bitterness… the ones who go from building to building, and person-to-person looking for answers yet never hear the simple truth… We teach these poor ones the sinner’s prayer and we teach them how to “be good “ til they can get to Heaven but we fail to teach them that FATHER GOD has so much more for them…. we teach them how to put a smile on it and how to walk the walk and talk the talk of “Christianize” and have faith… but faith in what? Our Father who is in Heaven has plans we never realize because we never teach them that FATHER GOD has the answer to the hole in their heart and spirit and how to get whole from here! We fail to take authority that we have as sons and daughters of GOD and help them break free or even teach them how to take authority themselves over the weapons the enemy gives them to beat themselves and others around them to death…we truly are theirs and our own worst enemy.

My hearts cry is that we would finally understand that our healing and the healing of our land comes from knowing who we really are and not what we have been led to think we are but instead we hide our own bleeding souls and tell them to do the same with theirs! We say we want to take back this country and we want to recapture all we have lost… yet we can’t even help the ones standing next to us or ourselves most days! We have Christians… not unbelievers but BROTHERS AND SISTERS in Christ walking around broken, bitter, and barely making it and trapped in the bondage of religion never seeing the true freedom that Christ offers… and we wonder why the world wants nothing we offer. Our recapturing what the enemy has stolen from us as a people and country starts with us realizing who we are! Only when we finally walk in our real identity in Christ, help others find theirs and we realize nothing can stand in the way of an army of healed and whole reformers will we recapture what the enemy has stolen from us as a people and nation.

I have a dream that I will one day stop being a slave to the greatest bondage that we as believers walk in…. “what man thinks of me”… that I will finally stand up and say to all those bleeding souls that walk by me… let me tell you how FATHER GOD can heal you… let me tell you the chains He took off my soul… let me pray with you, listen to you, love you unconditionally and help you walk it out til you are healed and free…and not care what others think of me… and when someone says “who does she think she is, do you know that she is, was, came from”… I pray one day soon I can look at them in the eye and say… “I know who I was, who I am now and where I am going and I got Daddy God’s business to attend to today, peace and love to you” and walk on! I don’t need an office I don’t need a license, I don’t need mans approval… I simply need to be willing to listen to Holy Spirit, go where HE leads and speak what HE says for me to speak…I pray that I will one day step up and JUST DO IT … and that the rest of you who have a dream, a desire, a burning passion will day be willing to step out and just do it too!

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

You Can Be Everything God Wants You To Be

This little gem by Max Lucado says on the cover that it is the perfect gift for the graduate,I agree. This book is also a great gift for anyone at any age that may be struggling to find themselves or simply need a gentle reminder of Whom created them and that they have a purpose. For those who have read, “Cure for The Common Life” some of the selections will look familiar but worthy of a second read. This book is ideal for gift giving anytime of the year or as a bedside pick me up for yourself. Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hermie & Friends Who is in Charge Anyway DVD Review

The message of the story about Freddie the flea is Biblical and a good message for kids to hear. Everyone has a purpose, God does not make mistakes. I was however disappointed with how the story was told. It was done with flashbacks from previous stories from the Hermie Friends series and if you have not seen any of those you spent more time trying to figure out who was who than focusing on the current story. It was visually stimulating and I am sure will hold the attention of the 3 to 5 year old age group. Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Thursday, May 27, 2010

This Is Your Brain in Love

This is Your Brain in Love by Dr. Earl Henslin

Thinking about getting married?

Already married and the flame has gone out?

Want to have some scientific understanding of what makes your spouse tick?

Just need a little help understanding that mate God sent you?

Then this may be the book for you. I was expecting to be a little over my head with this book, SPECT scans, and brain imaging  are not normally on my reading list.  As a married woman a book on how to have a more passionate and emotionally healthy marriage however sounded like something I needed to read and the book just said try me.

Dr. Henslin did a fine job of making the scientific understandable for most every day folks. While I may not be able to have a SPECT scan to confirm the test that analyze your love style I found them to be very accurate for myself and my spouse. As a Christian I found it refreshing to see the scientific information confirm rather than attack a Biblical view of marriage. I also found the help tips section on how to deal with each type of love style straightforward and within most people’s capabilities.

I would recommend this book to married people, Christian Counselors and Pastors. Over all I was pleasantly surprised by the book and I have already used some of the information to help improve my marriage!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <>

Clutter, Chaos and Hopelessness

Clutter, chaos and hopelessness cause many to come to a standstill… me it causes me to come to a standstill. For the last several months my...